Family Friendly Schools
5 min read

Becoming a Certified Family Friendly School

Becoming a Certified Family Friendly School
Written by
The Prichard Committee
Published on
July 22, 2022
Guest Post by Jill Handley - Principal, Kenwood Elementary

As a principal who grounds her work in leading a school that is a model of inclusivity, I know that optimal student success in achievement, engagement, and sense of belonging occurs when there is a strong partnership between home and school.

Whenever I talk with families, I tell them our partnership is like a triangle with the student at the top, the school on one side, and the family on the other.  If any one of those sides or vertices are broken, optimal student success cannot occur.

Four years ago, I attended a professional development session at the ESEA Conference with Dr. Steve Constantino where he shared ideas from his book, Engage Every Family (2015). In the book, Dr. Constantino outlines five principles of family engagement that schools should consider. Those five principles are closely aligned to Dr. Joyce Epstein’s Framework of Six Types of Parent Involvement and with the Commissioner’s Parent Advisory Council’s (CPAC) overarching objectives outlined in The Missing Piece of the Proficiency Puzzle that was released by The Prichard Committee in 2007.

Hungry for more ideas to better engage our families, I devoured the book and immediately ordered a copy for each member of our Family and Community Engagement (FCE) Committee.  We engaged in a book study and began developing our own understanding of the difference between family involvement and family engagement. Next, we started to reflect upon our family engagement practices by asking the question, “Would every family choose us?” Using this question as a guide, we implemented several of the strategies listed in the book which led to an increase in family engagement and student achievement.

Like many schools, we pride ourselves on the relationships we establish with our families and community partners. We always work hard to initiate positive outreach to develop trust and mutual respect with our families and have used a variety of methods to engage in two-way communication. In 2019, when we were recognized as a State and National School of Character, part of the process involved family interviews.  Listening to the way families responded with pride about their relationship with our school was such a bucket filler and affirmed we were on the right track to engaging our families.

As a Title 1 School with over 84% of our students qualifying for free or reduced lunch and 46% of our students speaking English as a Second Language, creating equitable opportunities for learning has always been a priority for Kenwood Elementary. To help achieve this goal it often means helping remove non-academic barriers for our students and families. We are fortunate to have a Family Resource Center (FRC) Coordinator who helps support this work; but the truth is schools have significant student and family needs that extend beyond the capacity of one family/community-based position.  As a result, we chose to allocate funding to create a certified Family Ambassador position which took effect just before the pandemic began.  During NTI the need to help remove non-academic barriers and provide equitable opportunities increased tremendously and thankfully our Family Ambassador, Aimee McDonnell worked closely with our FRC Coordinator to lead our FCE team in supporting families.

While connecting with and supporting families during NTI allowed us to deepen our relationships, it also highlighted a need to take an even more comprehensive approach to supporting families.  Understanding the needs schools have, our district family engagement specialist, Chrystal Hawkins, partnered with the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) to provide differentiated family engagement support for schools.  We signed up for individualized support and were partnered with Cindy Baumert from NCFL who helped take our family engagement to a whole new level.  As a result of our work with Cindy, we developed a family engagement committee with parents who met monthly to give feedback and insight.  Our work with Chrystal and Cindy helped us transition from doing school to families to doing school with families by engaging their voice on the front end of planning.

It was during our work with Cindy that we found out about the Family Friendly Certification.  Proud of the work we had been engaging in, we were excited to apply. As the recipient of several other recognitions, we knew that applying would undoubtedly require us to provide evidence of our accomplishments.  Because of the success we had achieved with our families we initially thought, “Of course we are a family friendly school, and we have lots of evidence to prove that.” What we didn’t anticipate was the critical lens we would have to examine our practices through.

We began by conducting the Kentucky Family and School Partnership Self-Assessment and realized that we did have a lot of surface level evidence of our family engagement success; however, the self-assessment caused us to take a deeper dive into our practices to refine and add to what we were already doing. Our FCE Committee developed action plans for each of the five components of the self-assessment that focused on creating sustainable systems and structures to support each of the five areas of family engagement. The plans outlined what we were already doing and what we needed to do and included objectives, strategies/actions steps, timelines, responsible parties, resources/funding, measurements of success, and equity considerations.

Many of the strategies and resources we included in our action plans came from the training we engaged in as a result of the application process, along with the resources in the Kentucky Family and School Partnership Guide and the Kentucky Family Engagement Digital Playbook. Having detailed plans allowed us to have a laser-like focus on immediate actions steps we could take. Some examples of the ways in which we improved our practices because of the process are

  • Creating a designated “community center” within the school for families to connect with school staff and other families
  • Eliminating all “reserved for staff” parking and instead reserving it for visitors to create a more welcoming environment for families and community members
  • Increased family voice through surveys and conversations to inform school needs
  • Development of MTSS for Families that connects each family with at least one caring adult from the school (besides their child’s teacher) that acts as a liaison and advocate for the family

Dr. Mapp reinforces the need for schools to prioritize family engagement from being seen as an add-on for student success to being integrated as a core pillar of teaching and learning. Engaging in the process of applying for and becoming the first school in the state to certify as a Family Friendly School not only helped solidify that integrated pillar for us, but also provided resources and support to make it happen.

We are so honored to have earned this distinction and are grateful to our families and community partners who helped make it happen. We also understand that becoming Family Friendly Certified is only the beginning.  Now that we have created a systematic approach to truly engaging all families, we must make sure we examine all decisions for teaching and learning through a family engagement lens. If schools and districts are going to truly engage families as co-producers in their child’s education, then family engagement systems and structures must be re-examined and funding for positions and resources must become a priority.


Commissioner’s Parent Advisory Council. (2007). The missing piece of the proficiency puzzle: Recommendations for involving families and community in improving student achievement.

Constantino, S. M. (2015). Engage every family: Five simple principles. Corwin.

Epstein, J. L. (1995). School/family/community partnerships. Phi Delta Kappan, 76(9).

Mapp, K. L., & Kuttner, P. J. (2013). Partners in education: A dual capacity-building framework for family–school partnerships.

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Recent posts

The Prichard Committee releases analysis of ‘school choice’ Amendment 2
5 min read

The Prichard Committee releases analysis of ‘school choice’ Amendment 2

The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence today released an analysis of Amendment 2


Aug. 20, 2024

Contact: Lisa McKinney

(cell) 859-475-7202

The Prichard Committee releases analysis of ‘school choice’ Amendment 2

Committee issues statement of opposition to the amendment

(LEXINGTON, Ky) --The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence today released an analysis of Amendment 2, a proposed amendment to Kentucky’s Constitution that would allow the allocation of public funds to school choice options beyond traditional public schools. The analysis, which outlines the potential financial and education outcomes of the amendment, found that funding private K12 educational institutions is not an appropriate or effective use of public funds.  

Amendment 2 will appear on ballots in November.  

“An amendment to Kentucky’s constitution that opens the door to private school choice with public dollars is likely to have significantly negative consequences for Kentucky’s long-standing march to improve education outcomes,” said Prichard Committee President/CEO Brigitte Blom. “Diverting public dollars to private school choice options creates the conditions for an unregulated market with no accountability to the taxpayers who fund it, and no durable research that warrants such an investment.”

The amendment's passage would allow the legislature to direct public funds to support private schools (including parochial schools), homeschooling, and charter schools through various financial mechanisms like vouchers, tax credits and education savings accounts.

Diverting funds to private schools is shown to spread scarce resources across more providers, thereby reducing overall access and improvement to quality in education, especially in areas where there is population decline. This will certainly be true in rural areas of the state and could likely be true for the state as a whole with population decline forecasted in the years to come.  

Additionally, Amendment 2 would open the door to the state investing in education options that create barriers for accountability. Public schools are held to accountability standards of which private and parochial schools, as well as homeschools, are currently exempt.    

Research shows that in states with high participation in school choice programs, a significant portion of funds frequently benefit wealthier families, leaving low- and middle-income families with less funding for the public schools these families rely on. Ensuring public funds stay within the public education system supports a fair distribution of resources to help ensure better outcomes for all students, the analysis found.  

Additionally, public schools are required to serve all students, including those with disabilities and the need for additional support. Many private schools are not required to guarantee the same level of support for students with learning differences, and the requirement to serve all children falls back to the public system, with fewer resources.

“Investing state dollars in what works is critical, and even more so in a state like Kentucky where we've risen from the bottom of the national rankings since the 1990s to roughly the middle today,” said Blom. “While there is clearly more work to be done to continue to improve education outcomes - and parents can and must demand that improvement - now is not the time to spend shared public dollars on strategies with no durable outcomes at best - and negative outcomes at worst.”  

Read the Prichard Committee’s full analysis here.  

Kentucky schools find innovative ways to prepare students for evolving economy
5 min read

Kentucky schools find innovative ways to prepare students for evolving economy

The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence today released a series of stories spotlighting schools across Kentucky..

July 30, 2024

Contact: Lisa McKinney
(cell) 859-475-7202

Kentucky schools find innovative ways to prepare students for evolving economy  

LEXINGTON, Ky --The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence today released a series of stories spotlighting schools across Kentucky using innovative strategies to teach durable skills—such as communication, teamwork and collaboration—in their classrooms. These stories highlight a larger effort in the commonwealth to ensure that schools are preparing students to succeed in the workforce and meet the evolving needs of employers.  

“It is important to elevate the work Kentucky educators are doing to make sure students are gaining the skills they need to pursue their dreams and live a big, bold life,” said Prichard Committee President/CEO Brigitte Blom. “We must make certain that high school diplomas are meaningful and relevant to the world we live in. I hope these stories serve as an example of what can be achieved when educators, the business community and families come together to design programs and curricula that set students up for success.” 

The stories highlight seven counties: Allen, Boone, Carter, Floyd, Rowan, Shelby and Warren. 

Among the examples of students across Kentucky working toward more meaningful diplomas are the fourth graders of McBrayer Elementary in Rowan County. These students are making their mark on the rich tradition of storytelling in Appalachia, while developing both durable and technical skills, by sharing what it is like to be a kid in Eastern Kentucky today through their Adventures of Fourth Grade podcast. The students take turns writing, producing and presenting the monthly podcast, with a little help from the districts’ digital learning coach. Through the process, the students are learning research skills, collaboration, media literacy, technology and storytelling—all while sending a finished project out into the world.  

Project-based learning, which teaches real-world skills by doing, is being integrated into more and more Kentucky schools alongside traditional classroom instruction. This approach is part of a larger effort to make students’ experiences in school more relevant to the life and work skills they will need upon graduation. ‍ 

Project-based learning has also provided an opportunity for community members to become more engaged in the schools by providing projects, guidance and feedback.   

“I think a benefit of having community involvement is that the community is becoming aware of the deeper learning kinds of experiences that we are working on to give our students,” said Prichard Committee Member Edna Schack, who acts as a community liaison for Rowan County Schools. “It's not the school that I went to, and it's not the school that my kids went to 15, 20 years ago. It's important that the community see that students are learning, not just from paper and pencil, not just at the computer screen, but they're learning from their experiences and some of those experiences are happening in the community.”  

The spotlight stories and accompanying videos are available on the Prichard Committee website.  

Education experts, Kentucky Legislature discuss expanding access to advanced coursework
5 min read

Education experts, Kentucky Legislature discuss expanding access to advanced coursework

Brigitte Blom, Anthony Mires, and Dr. Julia Roberts testified to the Interim Joint Committee on Education

Increasing the reach of advanced coursework work will help close achievement gaps

LEXINGTON, Ky -- Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence President & CEO Brigitte Blom, AdvanceKentucky Executive Director Anthony Mires, and Executive Director of the Western Kentucky University Center for Gifted Studies Dr. Julia Roberts testified to the Interim Joint Committee on Education today about increasing access to advanced coursework for Kentucky students.  

Their testimony included proposing automatic enrollment into Advanced Placement, or AP, and advanced courses for students who meet eligibility requirements based on measurable state standards and other factors. Currently, students must opt in to take these classes; under an automatic enrollment system, they would have to opt out. Automatic enrollment helps expand the reach of advanced coursework classes and grow the number of traditionally underrepresented students taking advanced coursework.

“Participating in advanced coursework has been shown to increase high school graduation and college enrollment rates,” said Blom. “Automatic enrollment and incentives for advanced students and teachers will put more Kentucky students on the path to a successful life post-graduation.”

Students who do not qualify for automatic enrollment can still enroll in advanced coursework if they choose to do so.  

Between 2018 and 2022, the number of Kentucky students enrolled in AP courses declined across all student groups.  

“Often, parents and students don’t understand the value proposition these courses offer,” said Mires. “We have to take a more active approach to go out and find these students, especially when we look at this broad middle group of students who could be participating in these classes but are not.”

Disparities persist in which students participate in both AP and Dual Credit programs. In the 2021-22 school year, districts with high percentages - 75% or more - of students from low-income backgrounds had only 5% of students enrolled in AP courses. Districts with less than 50% of students from low-income backgrounds experienced a significantly smaller decline in AP enrollment.

“Kentucky has many students ready to learn at advanced levels,” said Roberts. “Many of them have few, if any, opportunities in their schools to learn at advanced levels. All students are not ready to learn on the same level. Some need advanced coursework to stay motivated and reach their potential.”

Other solutions presented to expand access to advanced coursework courses included:

  • Online and reciprocal agreements: The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) would offer AP courses online or through agreements between school districts to ensure access for all students.
  • Communicating the importance of advanced coursework: Schools would inform parents about the benefits of AP and advance coursework for eligible students.
  • Implementing and incentive program for students and teachers: Starting in the 2025-2026 academic year, Advanced Kentucky with support from KDE, would expand a program with monetary incentives for AP students and teachers based on increased AP exam passage rates.
  • Annual reporting: KDE would report progress and outcomes to the Interim Joint Education Committee annually.

For more information on advanced coursework, visit